ELM – No Database Mode

New with version 8.0 you can now run ELM without a SQL database.  This new feature allows for Notification Only mode.  All event and performance data collected is streamed in, any notifications assigned to event views are triggered, and the data is released.

Reporting is still available by connecting the ELM console to any existing SQL databases, but reports are not available for any new data collected once this mode is enabled.

Events can still be forwarded “upstream” to another ELM server with a SQL instance if storage and archiving of certain event data is a requirement.

For environments where ELM is being used more for operational monitoring and real-time alerts with no need to archive data, this new option is a welcome feature for simplified installation and minimal use of resources.  Check it out today!

A few things to note for Notification Only mode:

The Statistics reported in the ribbon area of ELM will no longer display events processed, emails sent, or publications created.

If an event view is refreshed, all previously displayed events will disappear.

When event forwarding is used, and the receiving server is unavailable for some reason, caching takes place on the sending server still, without the need for a database, for no loss of data.