What a year – what else can you say?  From pandemic shutdowns to protests turning violent to a whirlwind of an election, we’ve all been through a lot.  We even postponed the announcement of TNT Software becoming Fire Mountain Software for several months as the west coast was ravaged with wildfires.

Our company has been fortunate to avoid any Covid cases and have cleared the hurdles, as many others have, of transitioning to a remote / virtual workspace.  Although we’re further apart, this has brought us closer together in many ways.  Kids at home and dogs barking during video calls has actually helped to further foster our family oriented work culture.  We are very thankful to our customers who have not only sustained but even prospered during these challenging times.

As we look forward to the calendar rolling over, we are hopeful that 2021 will be a year of peace, progress and accomplishments.  A new version of ELM is on the horizon which we are very excited about.  This will complete the transformation of our new UI and add a host of performance improvements and features.  We have a new brand and image to promote that we’ve been told is pretty cool.  And we work with some of the best people imaginable.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Fire Mountain Software!
